January 6, 2020 a reality check on American Democracy

Choose The Truth

Boxing is not a sport for people with weak stomachs.

I awoke this morning feeling like I was punched in the stomach without prior notice. Ever had that experience? In my lifetime, I’ve been punched in the gut several times, literally and figuratively. What I learned from each experience, is that no trauma is exactly like the previous one.

As a former boxer, I received several gut punches in a single round. Each punch was different. Some I overcame quickly, others I had to work through. Jan 6, 2021 was by far one of my hardest gut punches. This morning, as I reflected on the implications of what success of the insurrectionists might have meant to our democracy and our future way of life, I’m feeling a stomach pain similar to when I lost my daughter due to a tragic car accident.

I don’t intend to be melodramatic, but as a black man living in America with a clear understanding of the underlying rationale for the insurrection, it not only makes my stomach ache, it makes my entire being feel as though I went 15 rounds with Mike Tyson.

I am not sure how we as a society would have been governed when I considered that every level of government, law enforcement, the Congress, and 77+ million citizens thought that overthrowing democracy in America was a great and rational idea. I will not complete my thoughts in this post; however, I would ask that you critically think about what our future state would have been, if the insurrectionists had accomplished their objective.

I would not have entered a boxing ring with Mike unless I felt I was equally strong and equally prepared. How does a disenfranchised citizen prepare to go 15 rounds with a backward facing government?

Opinion: Stan Brooks, PhD

Don’t be anxious

Don’t be anxious

There’s a story here.

This morning I was feeling a bit discouraged. As I was sitting at my kitchen table with my head down, eating and contemplating my challenges, I looked up and saw this beautiful image above.

Instinctively, I jumped up and grabbed my camera to capture the moment. The beauty of the valley against the background of the sky and clouds was punctuated by this amazing rainbow.

Jesus shared with his disciples they should not be anxious. Given enough time, most things will work themselves out. Jesus did not tell his disciples they won’t have worries; but rather, He would ensure their peace when they encounter challenges.

Today, I have a major outside project; but it’s raining heavily. It’s ok though, we need the rain.

Peace like the rain, quenches a thirsty soul.

Stan Brooks, PhD