At the borders of American culture, the vast lands of opportunity appear bright and filled with promise for anyone who dares to challenge the gauntlet of obstacles to secure entry. From a distance, the theories of welcoming the poor huddled masses seeking some sort of refuge for their tortured souls project themselves through the facade of American ideological pro-Christian, pro-life propaganda with power. However, deep within the soul of America lies a tragedy not visible at the borders of our consciousness.
If our collective ideals and values are grounded in our Christianity, then our consciousness-raising should also find refuge within the walls of our society. However, if the core premises and promises of openness and acceptance were built loosely on a sandy bank of deception, then the overwhelming seas of hatred, bigotry, and hate easily tear down the fragile structures of our society. Once the perimeter of our idealized culture is laid bare by the effects of the waters of inherently evil men, then we are thrust into an ocean of public confusion. What then, is the fate of our consciousness?
What follows the collapse of our pretext then, is chaos at the borders of our consciousness. The majority of us might believe we have a moral duty to hold the torch higher and burning brighter as we guide the indigent to a safe harbor. However, the tragic irony is that we espouse idealistic Christian values of saving souls with a Bible in an outstretched hand. At the same time, we conceal a dagger of distress securely hidden behind our backs. America is a theater, and the tragedy playing on the center stage of our consciousness demands no curtain call.
Stan Brooks, PhD