If you break it, you own it.
Recently, a toddler was allowed to run free in a museum and no surprise, he broke an ancient, invaluable vase. Boys will be boys, some say, let them freely explore.
One of my sons was a curious, active child. As parents, he challenged us. For example, I came home one day to find him swinging a cat around by the tail and turning it loose to see if it would land on its feet. He succeeded in his experiment and increased in learning; but it was also a cruel act. He quickly learned compassion for others including the cat.
I’m a proponent of early childhood education and freedom of expression when it comes to children. However, I expect children to become adults and put away childish things. I would hope that the guidance and support they received as children would lead them to become compassionate, responsible, and respectful adults.
The world is a complex place and demands well adjusted adults to function in the capacity of adults and not toddlers. We are in a season of decision in our country. Given the demands for qualified, thoughtful, compassionate, responsible, and honorable leadership, we must decide if we will let “boys-be-boys” and let our toddlers break this wonderful jar, America.
Opinion by S. M. Brooks