Food For Thought
I took this picture today along the way to the VA Hospital at American Lake, WA. I have passed this outdoor pantry several times and never thought to stop to truly ponder the state of our veterans, especially the homeless and the physically and mentally challenged veterans. Many of our veterans faithfully served our country, whether it was a single rotation in Afghanistan, or a long career of 20 plus years such as mine.
Each time I visit the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital, it breaks my heart to see the state and condition of some of our veterans seeking care. Some hobble in, some come in wheelchairs, some are still strong and can walk in to get their care; but even some of the ones who seem OK and able to walk might be silently suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Some might even be contemplating suicide; but they put on a brave face as they interact with others. Some are physically broken, disheveled, in need of a shave or a bath. I remember once going for care and a lady veteran was wearing three or more layers of clothes and all her earthly belongings she had stashed in a shopping cart. But she was smiling and not complaining. I imagine like most of us, she was proud of her service.
I wanted to highlight this gesture of the pantry for two reasons. First, this pantry is in an affluent community along the route to the VA Hospital. The residents of this community are thoughtful enough to provide some food for veterans in need. The other reason I share, I am proud of the service of my comrades in arms and I am grateful that I had an opportunity to serve alongside so many of these brave Americans.
Finally, I refuse to accept that my service, or the service of my fellow veterans should be disrespected by anyone, especially those who seek the highest office in our country. We are neither losers nor suckers. We are the true Patriots who demand respect from our current and future leaders.
I salute my fellow patriots.
S. M. Brooks